
六年級英語作文:To Be a Successful English Learner750字

六年級 閲讀(2.54W)

Dear schoolmates,
  I'm Li Hua. I'm honored to be invited here to share my ideas about how to learn English be a successful English learner, we should have a good study habit and be good at thinking and solving problems. We can look up new words with the help of the dictionary. We can keep diaries every day to improve our English.? We also should make full use of learning resources. Reading newspaper, listening to English songs and watching English movies.??We should improve our ability to read and learn Chinese and foreign you study English, it’s sure to meet all kinds of different problems. We shouldn’t feel afraid of them. We should try our best to solve these difficulties and challenge my opinion, we should read and write in English every day. To practice, we can also speak to our friends and classmates in English.

六年級英語作文:To Be a Successful English Learner750字